
Simple hot green tea using organically grown leaves.


Matcha green tea.

Tea Green?

March 28, 2022 by airstank

As we get older, our bodies are bombarded with a nasty entity called free radicals. For men who have been on this planet for a bit, our lifestyle choices and surroundings play host to a multitude of these nasty critters that can reak havoc on our cells.

Enter green tea. Ok so you probably already know about the claims to fame for this form of tea. But what are the key takeaways for men in their 50s on fueling their bodies with this remarkable beverage?

We all know the C word right? It may be something that older men start to think about as they age. While not proven scientifically, there is a correlation with the consumption of green tea and a lower risk of developing some types of cancers. Green tea contains antioxidants called polyphenols that remove the rust from our bodies. Wait rust? Ok that is just a metaphor dork. But if you imagine your body as a metal pipe, over time, that pipe might have oxidation or rust build up on it. Antioxidants found in green tea remove the rust from the pipe. Make sense?

Another important fact about green tea is how it benefits your ticker. Studies have show that green tea actually can increase good cholesterol as well as lower your blood pressure. Don't ditch the meds just yet dude! Always consult your primary care physician before making any decision on your current treatment plan.

The staff at Airstank have tried a variety of green tea products from simple tea bags to pre-made drinks and we have just a few tips for ya. The first is to always try and buy an organic variety of green tea products. The second is to try different ways to intake this magnificent food. We prefer iced green tea ourselves, but there are the hot version as well which can range from the simple brewed green tea to the macha style green tea. How about green tea supplements? Nah, we prefer the natural liquid method ourselves.

To put it simply, take care of the rust bro!


Nothing says ahhhh like an ice cold brew as your feet sink into the sand!


Hopnosis is a blend of double dried New Zealand and US hops. Fruity passion fruit and mango notes is our strongest take away.

Brewski Bro!

March 30, 2022 by airstank

As we refine our purpose in life, the proverbial brewski should evolve with us. Let's face it gentlemen, the days of cheap ass beers are all but done. Ok, we are now in our fifth decade of life and we deserve a beer companion that has earned the respect of our expectations! Welcome to craft brews. You might be asking yourself is this article written by Captain Obvious? Sit back dude, let us take you on the journey of Firestone Walker, a brewery located in central California that is busting balls in the craft beer market!

Most commonly recognized for their commercial staple, 805 beer, Firestone Walker brewing company is a bellwether brewery that has mastered the art of specialty brewing. Their seasonal blends and most well recognized Parabola series has embellished the palettes of beer enthusiasts the world over. Here at Airstank, we have been loyal consumers of their IPA brews like Mind Haze, Hopnosis and of course 805. So why Firestone Walker and not the other established Euro shit? Well my brother it boils down to one thing, taste!

Ok so in lieu of becoming a beer blog, we at Airstank love this company! No we are not getting paid to talk about their product. We first fell in love with their flavors and blends and then started to learn about the brewery itself and it's founders. Taste, responsible practices, respect for the environment and an all around focus to the future is what sums up this iconic company. Check it out for yourself, Firestone Walker Brewing Co.

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