Tim Tamashiro at TEDxYYC


May 11, 2022 by airstank

We've all asked this question at some point in life. What is my purpose? I'm sure you have sought some kind of advice, read self-help books, watched YouTube, etc., all in the hopes of getting the answer and direction needed to answer this age old question. Some say that your career is your purpose in life. Others say it's your family and friends. But for some of us, this may not be it. I've dwelled on this subject for years now. When you hit your 50s, you should probably have found your purpose right? Well, let me tell you that it's not alway the case. Marriage, kids, career all are great things but it may not define one's purpose.

Then I discovered one word, "ikigai". I know what you are thinking, WTF is ikigai and what kind of drug are you on? Relax amigo, this word may not be the answer you've been looking for, but it made sense to to me so hear me out. Ikigai is a Japanese word, ok a concept, that refers to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living. It's a way of life that the Okinawans of Japan have lived by for years. Not only are they one of the oldest living humans on the planet, they actually live enriching lives filled with purpose.

So to break it down for ya, there are four components of ikigai. Number one, do what you love. Number two, do what you're good at. The third, do what the world needs and lastly, do what you can be rewarded for. That's it, simple right? Hardly. These elements may take some time to discover. Spend time looking inward and really ask yourself what is it that I really love? When that ah hah moment happens you will know it. Then the next part should come easier, what are you good at? It is connected to what you love. Next you have to search for how this purpose will benefit the world around you. Once this is found , the reward will be achieved. When I say reward, it's not always monetary. It may come in true happiness and a sense of pure enrichment in your life's purpose.

Tim Tamashiro, a jazz singer, radio host and inspirational speaker from Canada was the person that turned me on to "ikigai". After watching his TEDxYYC presentation, I was hooked on exploring this concept. Tim has a book on this subject as well. I found a copy on Amazon for a great price. I'm still in discovery mode but getting close to defining the first step!

Find your lifetime of joy!

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